Thursday, December 11, 2014

Getting Started With Symfony 2

Getting Started With Symfony 2

Getting Started With Symfony 2 Symfony 2 is one of the most popular modern PHP frameworks. It has the advantages of being modular, extensible, and feature complete. This course is designed for first-time users of the framework, and will walk you through all its basic coding features. We'll cover everything you need to get started, such as bundles, templating with layouts, routing, building forms with validation, and how to build a full CRUD app with database interaction. By the end of the course, you'll have the fundamental skills necessary to use the Symfony 2 framework to build basic, database-driven web applications. PHP, Symfony 2, Web Development, Web Applications

  1. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Introduction and Symfony Overview
  2. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Installation, Configuration, & Directory Overview
  3. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Quickstart to Bundles, Routing, Controllers, & Templates
  4. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Setting Up Routes
  5. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Defining Our Controller
  6. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Working With Entities
  7. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Building Forms & Form Types
  8. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Creating New Books
  9. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Reading Books
  10. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Updating Books
  11. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Deleting Books
  12. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Laying Out Our Templates
  13. Getting Started With Symfony 2 - Conclusion

Monday, December 8, 2014

Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions

In this course, we’re going to finally tackle those incredibly confusing regular expressions. Do they baffle you? Do they look like Egyptian hieroglyphs? No worries; I’m going to teach you both how to decode these symbols, and how to use them in your every day projects… from scratch! Learning how to properly use regular expressions is one of the best things I’ve ever done in my development career. I hope to pass a bit of my learning on to you. So let’s go!

  1. Regular Expressions Stripping Out an Anchor Tag's Attributes
  2. Regular Expressions preg match and preg match all
  3. Regular Expressions Matching a US Phone Number, and Named Captures
  4. Regular Expressions Course Entrance
  5. Regular Expressions Your First Matches
  6. Regular Expressions Verifying a String's Length
  7. Regular Expressions The preg split Function
  8. Regular Expressions The Beginnings of a Markdown like Service
  9. Regular Expressions Search and Replace
  10. Regular Expressions Removing Whitespace
  11. Regular Expressions Ranges and Curly Braces
  12. Regular Expressions Porting the Previous Exercise to PHP
  13. Regular Expressions Non capturing Groups
  14. Regular Expressions Negative Lookbehinds
  15. Regular Expressions Matching an Email Address
  16. Regular Expressions Lookaheads
  17. Regular Expressions Greedy Matches
  18. Regular Expressions Character Classes and Alternation
  19. Regular Expressions Course Exit
  20. Regular Expressions Conditional Expressions if then
  21. Regular Expressions Carets and Dollars
  22. Regular Expressions Capturing Values
  23. Regular Expressions Callback Functions for a RegEx
  24. Regular Expressions Backreferences
  25. Regular Expressions An Advanced Phone Number Expression

Speedy Workflows With Atom

Speedy Workflows With Atom

Speedy Workflows With Atom Atom is the latest feature-packed text editor created by GitHub. If you're already a fan of Sublime Text but love the convenience of a fully integrated development environment, just wait until you see what Atom can do! We'll take a look at everything from themes, tweaking settings and file navigation, right through to custom snippets, command line and GitHub integration. We'll even show you how to automate your workflow to set up a complete project with just one command. If you're a fan of working fast, then this is the course for you.

Tools, Workflow,Text Editors, Atom

  1. Speedy Workflows With Atom - LESS and CoffeeScript Compilation
  2. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Markdown Preview
  3. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Linter
  4. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Bower and NPM Workflow
  5. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Advanced Git Integration With git plus
  6. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Firepad
  7. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Goodbye
  8. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Bash Profile
  9. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Git Clone
  10. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Boilerplating With Bash
  11. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Introduction
  12. Speedy Workflows With Atom - GitHub Keymaps
  13. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Introduction to Packages
  14. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Advanced Actions
  15. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Term2
  16. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Command Line Workflow
  17. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Useful Snippets
  18. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Settings and Themes
  19. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Basic Necessities
  20. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Finding Files
  21. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Command Palette
  22. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Custom Snippets
  23. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Basic GitHub Integration
  24. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Formatting Snippets
  25. Speedy Workflows With Atom - Splitting Panes



PSD to HTML5 One of the key skills that any web developer must have is the ability to translate a Photoshop design into a working, modern website. In this course, we go through this process. CSS, HTML5, Bootstrap 2, PSD to HTML

File PSD :
  1. PSD to HTML5 Introduction
  2. PSD to HTML5 Slicing And Dicing
  3. PSD to HTML5 Slices From Guides
  4. PSD to HTML5 Quick And Easy HTML Email
  5. PSD to HTML5 Other Slice Types
  6. PSD to HTML5 Beginning The Templates
  7. PSD to HTML5 Adding The Page Layouts
  8. PSD to HTML5 Decorative Styling
  9. PSD to HTML5 A CSS3 Photoshop Plugin
  10. PSD to HTML5 Creating Sprite Sheets
  11. PSD to HTML5 Finishing The Template
  12. PSD to HTML5 Cutting Irregular Shapes
  13. PSD to HTML5 Avoiding Repetition With Scripts
  14. PSD to HTML5 Quick Tip Round up
  15. PSD to HTML5 Summary

Build a CMS in CodeIgniter

Build a CMS in CodeIgniter

Need build your own custom CMS? I’m here to teach you how to do this very thing, using the popular CodeIgniter framework. If you’d like to take your skills to the next level, why don’t you join me?

CodeIgniter, PHP, CMS
  1. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Introduction
  2. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Installing And Configuring Codeigniter
  3. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Setting Up The Base Controllers
  4. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Setting Up The Database Using Migrations
  5. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Setting Up The Base Model
  6. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Styling The Admin Panel
  7. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Creating The Login Form
  8. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Securing The Admin Panel
  9. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Managing Users Part 1
  10. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Managing Users Part 2
  11. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Managing Pages CRUD
  12. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Managing Pages Nesting
  13. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Creating An Ajax Gui To Order Nested Pages
  14. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Managing News Articles
  15. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Styling The Frontend
  16. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Creating The Navigation
  17. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Adding Templates To Pages
  18. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Creating The Homepage
  19. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Creating The News Archive
  20. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Creating The News Article Detail Page
  21. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Creating The Sidebar
  22. Build a CMS in CodeIgniter - Creating The Pages

30 Days to Learn C#

30 Days to Learn C#

My aim is to introduce you to the C# language (and a tiny bit of the .NET Framework), and give you a clear understanding of the fundamentals needed to start writing applications in C#.

I won’t lie; some of the material is easier to grasp if you have some programming background. But I do try to explain things from the standpoint of a complete beginner. So even if you haven’t programmed before, I hope you’ll find my explanations of programming concepts and fundamentals understandable.

C#, Visual Studio

Web Design for Beginners

So you want to become a web designer, but you have no idea where to start. Don't panic! It's not as hard as it seems, though it requires time and effort to learn. In this course, Adi Purdila will be guiding you through the basic steps of becoming a web designer. You’ll learn lots of great information, like what tools to use and how HTML and CSS are used to create websites. Finally, you’ll put all this knowledge into practice and actually build your first functional web page.
